Friday, August 31, 2012


I am still on a high from it. YES. 2 1/2 glorious days on white sandy beaches and warm golden sunshine. The ones I love like crazy all loving it with me. BLISS.

We do not have a good track record for beach trips. The furthest back I remember was one when McKayla was 8 weeks old. A hurricane blew through and we got a call from our neighbor saying our house had been broken into and robbed. We came home early.

The next beach trip was in a condo my mom got for a good deal from a friend. It was 2 bedrooms and there were 5 adults and 3 kids staying there. David had a crazy big job he had to do, so I loaded up the kids and drove down there myself. Asher was 6 weeks old. Had a crazy bad case of bronchitis and was on steroid breathing treatments. I was up with him every 2 hours at night. I was sleep deprived. Postpartum. Hormonal. It was crazy. By the end of the week I found myself arguing with my mom over which family drank the most milk and who should pay for the next one. LOONY. What was even more loony was David finally getting there for the weekend and as soon as he did his phone started blowing up with harassing calls from the bi-polar home owner he just finished the big job for, threatening to sue for completely irrational reasons. We packed up, and headed home immediately. Law suit #2 of our lives ensued.


So beach trips scare me a bit.

I must confess I am 200% a beach girl. It energizes me. Calms me. Relaxes me like nothing else. I am crazy about it and can't get enough of it. I always have this illusive hope it will give me rest and renewal. Obviously that hasn't always been the case.

But thank Jesus!!!! This was the trip of a lifetime! No tiny little babies. Complete and total perfection in the weather. Everyone healthy. No crazy work calls. It was a dream!

We decided to get up and leave bright and early Friday morning at 3:30am. That way we could get some road time under our belt before the kiddos got restless. They did great, and slept till about 7:00. We pulled into chickfila for some yummy breakfast and kept truckin'!

The kids colored and played for a bit, then sleepiness hit and Asher took a little doze. I was SHOCKED with how well he did!

We got there around noon and checked in. We unloaded, ate lunch, got on our beach duds and headed out pronto!

We played hard. No major meltdowns or disasters. Still really quite shocking. Asher's first time at the beach that he was big enough to know what was going on. He was a bit timid at first but quickly warmed up to it and kept saying "beach!" and "wah-wah!" (water) He loved it. Always wanted to be in the water with Daddy :)

We dug in the sand and buried each other, which was quite the revelation to me: I discovered a way to lay out and close my eyes under the sun while still keeping an "eye" on my children: are you ready for this!?!?! Have them "bury" you. It takes a good 20 minutes and they are right there talking, shoveling sand on you and patting it down. It even almost felt like a sugar scrub sensation if I thought about it hard enough. Well whatdoya know!?!? A spa treatment to boot!! :) So no joke, it was sensational!

We wore everyone out. Came in, got cleaned up, and I popped the lasagna I made and brought into the oven. Yummy dinner for our hungry bellies. Then we headed out to go get ice cream! I think we wore everyone out though - 2 were asleep by the time we got there - HA!

After that we hit Alvin's Island. How fun is it to look at all the crazy cheap little souvenirs!?

We got back to the hotel. Someone (name will remain anonymous to protect the guilty) stunk up the bathroom. I found Gabrielle doing all she could to ward off the scent ;)

My funny girl!

The next morning we got up and chilled. Ate breakfast. Watched cartoons.

Then we threw on our suits, braided hair, and hit the beach again. We were out there for a good 3-4 hours with everyone playing and having a glorious time!

 Dave bought a little boat raft and all the kids loved riding the waves in it. Even lil Asher! Who actually fell asleep in it one day. Isn't that the life!?

Chasing after birds...

Then we all came in and took some glorious naps!

I love how hard kids sleep after playing hard. :)

After that we hit the town to do some exploring!

The kids were concerned with Daddy. There were tears shed over the fear of the fake shark. I promise.

I always wanted to be the showcase lady on the Price is Right ;)

Get him now, while on sale for this low price!

Sweet girl <3

Then a sunset beach walk.... my favorite.

Haha, I love Asher's lips here....

They did this hand holding business on their own. No I did not tell them to so I could get blog-worthy pictures. It was truly precious.

Hahah, poor Dave. Asher has a death grip.

I got a sweet message in the sand. Melt my heart.

Inside for a late dinner and snuggle time watching Yogi Bear!

At the scary parts he'd throw Mr. Nite Night on his face ;)

Then he got a lil too comfy and fell asleep...

The next morning I got up early and went for a run. Nothing like the tropical breeze and beautiful beach homes to run by! Came home and got a shower then I found this little man reading books quietly in the pack n play. I love him.

Daddy got some much needed sleep in time. He never gets that and I was so glad for him! Meanwhile this little cabinet provided hours of entertainment ;)

Then... back to the beach! Last day!

Naptime in the shade with Daddy...

Chillin' like a villain!

We had enough sunshine for the day... just starting to feel that crispy feeling. So we decided to head out for more exploring.

Then dinner at Fuddpuckers complete with the live alligator show :)

Looking back on these pictures it looks like all we ate were crackers. I promise. We ordered real food :)

Then for a round of putt putt golf!

Then we came home, packed up, hit the sac and woke up at 3:30 again to drive home.

My heart is full. So so grateful.

God did a lot in my heart this trip. Lately I have honestly been battling the fact that I had children so young and never really had that free season of exploring the world, life, and my identity. I will not go into all the emotions of it all but lets just say in so many sweet and precious ways God used this trip in my heart to show me that in all honesty, I wouldn't have it any other way. To think I have missed out or skipped something is illusive. There's no way to know what would or could have been. But I do know this: no lie, I'm crazy about this man, my 3 precious little ones and the life God has placed me in. It's not always easy but I am rich beyond measure. And there's no other life I'd rather lead.