Friday, February 14, 2014

Best Valentine's Gift EVEH

My husband totally blew me out of the water today.

Not with chocolates.

Or a card.

Or a date night.

But he simply said "meet me in Cool Springs in 15 minutes."

I thought we were going to pick up the van out of the shop. So I throw the kids in the car, in their pjs of course, because getting them all dressed would take exactly 54 minutes too long. I meet him and he leads me to a cryptic location. I then see a sign for a massage place. "How sweet!" I thought. Then I thought "I hope he bought a Groupon." Cuz I'm coupon obsessed like that.

But we get out of our cars and he looks at me and starts to tear up. Immediately I think "oh my word! He's going to propose!"

Did I really just say that!? Yes. I'm so tired and not rational these days! But in my defense he had the same look in his eyes the day he asked me to marry him. Does that make me look a little more sane!? No. Oh well, worth the shot. Yeah, 4 kids later we should probably get HITCHED.

So my car radio was still on and my theme song for this last year "He is With Us" by Love and the Outcome is soaring in the background. Not ironic, I know! See, God is a fan of Hallmark moments, I'm convinced!

Then my man looks at me with the sweetest face and says "Let's go buy a house."

I'm in shock! Right now!? Here? Today? Whaaaaaaaaaaat?

He then told me he busted his butt all week to push for the closing to happen today. Pulled strings and saw miracles happen. And he just found out 20 minutes ago that he was gonna be able to pull it off he told me.

He was crying and I was smiling like a Cheshire cat!!!

Total. Shock.

We haul our babies inside, walk in the room, and sign till our hand has cramps.



And here we are, homeowners!!!

Aaaaaaaaaaaaand I'm still sporting my workout hair/lack of makeup from 5:00am. But it's all good.

 Valentines day cupcakes and pens. All we need.

A few shots of our pj kids. Cuz we are classy like that.

Ya'll I have no words. Except that God is good. He was good when it hurt, when we couldn't see His hand, when we didn't understand. We know that. But today He revealed a bit of the mystery of His vast goodness in a real, needed, tangible way to our family. And we give Him all the praise.

Let me say that again: it's all praise to Jesus, ya'll.

This house came on the market the day our land/house build deal fell through. The very day. Our offer was in with another offer, but because we were a family with 4 kids and they liked us and accepted ours. We did not have the down payment money but is has miraculously all come in almost to the penny as we have watched David's hard real estate work finally start to pay off. God's hand was ALL OVER this. Peace. Crazy peace. It was just His will and plan and we know it without a doubt.

When we walked out I was still smiling and David started crying again (so us!). He sweetly looked at me and read me the most precious words scribbled on the back of an envelope that he was going to write in a card but everything happened so fast he didn't get a chance to. Then he gave me a princess crown key chain... just like he gave me when we were dating and he handed me the keys to the house he built. There have been a lot of rentals between that home and this one, and that key chain got lost along the way. But here was my amazing, hard working, faithful man telling me with all his heart and actions: I will fight to provide. 

Cuz he's pretty much the beast.

Sorry, ladies. I scored!

And it's Valentines day, so I gotta be all mushy like that.

Friends: thank you for walking this journey with us. For those of you that heard us whine, cry, kick and scream, question everything, and collapse in exhaustion. Only God knows all the ins and outs of this journey. It's about way more than just a house. It's a long story of retraining our minds, our hearts, and redemption. When we lost our first home because of an unjust business deal, we never knew the hardships that were to follow. Although God's plan is not always easy, it's always about being broken for transformation. For a deeper communion with Him.

I was cleaning out my desk the other day and found this quote which I love...

"Why shouldn't we go through heartbreaks? Through those doorways God is opening up ways of fellowship with His Son. Most of us fall and collapse at the first grip of pain; we sit down on the threshold of God's purpose and die away of self-pity, and all so called Christian sympathy will aid us to our death bed. But God will not. He comes with the grip of the pierced hand of His Son and says 'Enter into fellowship with me; arise and shine." -O.Chambers

I confess I had many moments of self-pity, temporal values, short-sightedness and discontentment. But thank God He is faithful to press into my heart deeper and clean out that yuck. I know for a fact He will be doing that till the day this stubborn girl goes home to be with Him!

So we are gonna eat some lunch and oh, I don't know.... head over to our 

~*~*~*~NEW HOME~*~*~*~

and start some demo work! Which we love and rock at, quite honestly. Can't wait to make this place our home!

And give this song a listen, it's been on repeat a lot over here lately....